No more second guessing if you're being "high value" or not...

Discover how you can "trade in" your anxiety and insecurities for self esteem, self worth and intrinsic confidence, so that no one will ever take you for granted & high value men will recognise you as an indispensable "keeper".

Important Details...

Presenter: D. Shen
Course Length: 4 Hours 
Course Format: Video Lessons
Access: Life Time

What do high value women know, feel and believe about men that low value women don't?

Dear Lovely Friend and Beautiful Soul…

It's D.Shen here, the founder of Shen Wade Media, where we teach you how to show up as a high value high, status woman who easily inspires deep emotional commitment from men.

Let me share with you something important...

I'm sure it's not too difficult for you to believe when I say that high value, high status women have very different beliefs and mindsets to low value, low status women.

In fact, some of these belief and mindset differences can literally be worlds apart.

After all, doesn't our mindset and our beliefs dictate what we focus on and what decisions we make?

So in order to show up as a high value woman, the very first thing we have to look at is the mindset behind it.

(Just like everything else in life… it all starts with the mindset.)

I want you to take what I'm about to say seriously…

Every bit of your anxiety and insecurities come from a lack of a "High Value Mindset".

(Just as solid self esteem, unbreakable confidence and unwavering self assuredness also comes as a result of adopting a stronger mindset.)

Because ultimately it's not about you! It's about the meaning you created for yourself.

It's not that you are truly unworthy or undeserving, you only feel that way because of the meaning you place on the events of your life.

(...And the meaning comes directly from your mindset and your beliefs.) 

Your mindset and your beliefs ultimately shape what kind of person you show up to be. If you have low value mindset and low value beliefs, what kind of woman do you think you will show up as?

The answer is obvious, right?

I would even say that the women who are in happy and committed long term relationships have very different beliefs to those women who get themselves in serial unhappy and uncommitted relationships.

It's not luck or coincidence.

It all starts with your beliefs and your mindset.

It takes a certain "type" of mindset to attract high value men and it takes a certain "type" of mindset to inspire his emotional commitment.

(Just as it takes a certain type of mindset to push good men away and trigger fear and distance in them.)

I'm talking about the differences between a high value mindset versus a low value mindset...

She summoned up all her courage to ask him out… but he simply said "NO"....

She met him online one quiet evening as they had a "match".

He was one of the few that she thought would be worth her time, so they started chatting.

Everything seemed so nice at the start, he was attentive, funny and seemed to be a real emotionally mature man.

This seemingly sweet back and forth conversation went on for about 3 weeks, before she thought it might be a good time for them to meet up in real life…

She didn't want to be the first to ask, but it didn't seem like that's the direction he was taking… so she thought she should just ask him out somewhere.

So one night, she worked up all her courage to send him a message asking him out for a cup of coffee or a movie...

...and that's when he started to flake.

(And no, don't get the wrong message here. As a woman, you can perfectly ask a man out if you do it in the right way or a "high value" way.)

Excuses started to show up left, right and center from this man, as it took him longer and longer to reply.

The more she pursued his attention and pursued a reply back to her messages, the further away he seemed to go.

Why did this happen to this woman? Should we just simply blame the man for being a flake?

From chasing men to being pursued by the BEST of MEN day and night...

Let me ask you something…

What's the difference between a woman who has to habitually chase men that never eventuate to anything versus a woman who is habitually chased by men, especially high value men?

No, the answer isn't her looks, even though we are told by society that men are just after your looks. (That isn't true at all.)

There are plenty of average looking women with men after them wherever they go.

The real answer lies within her value.

And more specifically, her value in the eyes of men.

But when we talk about value, these ideas can easily become misunderstood and misconstrued. I certainly don't want you to get the wrong ideas here.

Being high value in the eyes of men doesn't mean so much that a woman HAS to be confident or HAS to be feminine.

These are all superficial truths that don't really mean much at the end of the day.

The deeper answer here is that the value comes from a high value mindset where she values, respects and appreciates herself first.

If you're able to feel your own value, then you can be highly valuable in the eyes of men.

Only then, true confidence and true femininity shows up, not some forced and fake confidence or femininity.

That's what we are going to focus on.

Now you've probably heard me say this before…

If you want to attract high value men into your life, if you want to fall in love, and create an incredible chemistry with someone, if you want to have others value your time, your attention and your presence, then you MUST show up as a high value woman.

There's literally nothing as important as this and it all starts with your mindset and beliefs.

The cheap misconceptions of what is being "high value"...

Ever since I introduced the idea of being High Value to our industry back in 2014 (Through this very popular video, other "coaches" have ripped the idea off and spun it in every way imaginable.)

So let's take a moment to dispel some myths and misconceptions regarding what is high value...

(There's so much erroneous and damaging ideas out there nowadays.)

Myth: It's "High Value" to just simply lean back as woman or just follow the no contact rule. WRONG. If you're not attuned to the situation, leaning back will simply telegraph your disinterest.

That doesn't make you look "High Value" at all. You're just disengaging and running away. Where is the value in that?

You don't magically become "High Value" by acting from the fear of looking TOO interested to a man, just like you don't magically win a competition by trying hard not to lose.

Myth: It's "High Value" to pretend to be happy or confident all the time. This is an absolutely ridiculous notion. Pushing down your feelings or consciously not acknowledging them is not value to anyone, esp yourself.

Your emotions are powerful and they are incredibly valuable in ANY interaction and relationship with men.

(If my beautiful wife Renee was happy & confident all the time, we would haven no relationship.)

Myth: It's "High Value" to just "stay in your feminine". No it's not.

(First of all, don't get me started on how bastardised the concept of feminine is these days... Most "coaches" have no idea of feminine is all about anymore!)

But being feminine isn't a substitute for being high value. Otherwise you're discounting the incredible value in your masculine as well.

...And sometimes being feminine isn't necessarily value all the time in a relationship. You wouldn't really know unless you stay attuned and have access to both your feminine & masculine energies.

Myth: It's "High Value" to always look good and dress well.

Nope. You certainly don't have to do that all the time. You're not a mannequin.

Smart men want to know the real you, they want to have a relationship with the real you... not the exterior shell or facade you put on.

I could probably go on... but at the end of the day, following these ideas or rules is a form of playing games.

(As the cool kids would say, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.)

What you really need is to stay attuned, and cultivate intrinsic value as a woman.

The truth is, smart men will always notice the women with intrinsic value. And no matter how many games you play, you won't fool smart men if you didn't have the intrinsic value to back you up.

Make sense?

Remember, smart men are not easily fooled. They want to find the "right" woman to invest and commit to. They don't want to be fooled by women who have little intrinsic value but disguise themselves by playing stupid games.

It's NEVER about being perfect, it's about being REAL...

We all want to be confident, be attractive, be liked and be loved for who we are. And that is going to happen naturally when you can tap into the high value parts of yourself.

We are all universally attracted to people of higher value, you and I are no exception because this is hardwired into the most primitive parts of our brain.

And no, showing up as a high value man or woman isn't about being perfect. That would be ridiculous to even entertain. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Showing up as a high value man or woman means to embrace and appreciate all the flaws and imperfections knowing that they are the real gifts in our lives. Without them we'd lose all sense of who we are in this world and who we have become.

Having a high value mindset is not even about being happy or confident all the time because that simply wouldn't be real. You and I have a range of emotions for a good reason we are not meant to be happy all the time.

No, you don't have to be confident or happy all the time... 

It is certainly OK to not be happy or not be confident because we are all human.

In order to show up in a high value way, and adopt a high value mindset, it is so much more important for you to show up as the real you, rather than a superficial projection of happiness and confidence.

So whenever you hear me talk about the concept of high value, high status, it's not about changing you to be someone you're not, it's about uncovering all the superficial layers of yourself and get you in touch with the real you.

Because the real you has all the power to make a difference. The real you is already high value in all of its essence.

And yes, the high value you will still make mistakes, because mistakes happen to everyone, myself included. So don't put yourself down for it. It’s OK to not need to feel shame or embarrassment for making mistakes.

As long as you can keep learning and keep moving forward, then you will eventually make it.

You will, I promise.

If you don't deeply & truly value yourself, how should anyone else value you?

...And if you don't respect yourself or appreciate your own time, energy and other resources, how will anyone else respect and appreciate that from you?

The answer is obviously that they won't.

But to truly start to value yourself (and not just saying it), to respect and appreciate parts of you that have been neglected, you will have to make some improvements to your mindset.

After all, every word you speak, every action you take, every positive or negative interaction you have with others, starts largely from your mindset.

The biggest problem we all face is that most of our mindsets and beliefs were created subconsciously. We never had a chance to look at whether they served us or imprisoned us.

We just picked up these things up along the way.

Our mother may have had a string of bad relationships, and we've subconsciously adopted her beliefs regarding men, love and intimacy.

And some of these subconscious beliefs may manifest in a destructive and sabotaging way especially in the areas of love and relationships, because these are the areas where we are most vulnerable and have the deepest fears.

It's not just you and me, it's everyone.

So we all need to start being aware of what some of our driving beliefs are so that perhaps we can make some changes and improvements.

Showing up as a high value high status woman is 80% mindset... (But what is the right mindset?)

I say to women all the time… "If you want to show up as a high value woman, first of all, you need a high value mindset, you have to adopt some new and more empowering beliefs."

You need to upgrade your thinking. And that means you will probably have to let go of some of those old thoughts and beliefs you've held onto for too long.

Because everything you do, say or feel, everything you experience in this lifetime, is filtered by and shaped by the beliefs you have.

If you believed that all men are pigs and scumbags, or that all men will cheat, how would that affect every interaction you have with men?

If you believed that you are not worthy of a high value man's attention, then how would that affect your relationships with men?

Look, if you're stuck in a mental paradigm that takes value from you and those around you, then it's probably time to let it go and find some deeper and more empowering beliefs.

The biggest problem I see is that so many of us are running old beliefs that don't serve us and keep us small and low value.

And the core of the issue here is that most of us never really thought about what it is we want to believe in, we just picked up the pieces along the way.

Your mindset determines whether you have positive or negative interactions with men

Like I said before, our mothers may have had a string of terrible relationships, and we picked up some of her habits, beliefs and mindsets about love and relationships.

Our aunt or uncle may have called us certain names when we were little and now we have picked up those subconscious beliefs about who we are.

We may have made a few mistakes in our own relationships and instead of looking for a deeper reason and a deeper meaning, we settled for a superficial meaning that doesn't serve anyone.

(Look, this happens to everyone, myself included, so don't put yourself down for it.)

But perhaps right now is a good time to re-evaluate some of the beliefs we have subconsciously.

I want you to show up as a high value, high status woman, and I'm sure some part of you do too.

And just like anything else in life, 80% of that process is mindset driven.

So what this really means for you is that once you start to adopt the "right" mindsets, you are already 80% on the way there.

And what this also means, is that without the right mindset, you could never show up as that high value, high status woman, no matter what you do or say.

The key is your mindset, and I'm here to help you with that.

It's easy to run a low value, low status mindset subconsciously...

Look, it's not always easy to become aware of the subconscious beliefs that we filter our lives through.

After all, it's like taking off and examining the glasses that you never realised you were wearing. (Sometimes we've been wearing these glasses so long, we don't know what it's like without them.)

But there are always external symptoms that tell us when you subconsciously run a low value, low status mindset…

Let me just go through some very common symptoms of a low value, low status mindset…

It sometimes feels like the men you like are avoiding you. Whether that's physically avoiding you, or avoiding calling you back, or messaging you back.

It may be hard to get people's attention, and so you feel like you have to "come up with ways" to get attention from others.

You notice that it's difficult for the people in your life to give any value back to you and this may bother you.

You may feel like you're always not good enough for some reason or for no particular reason.

You may feel like you don't deserve anything good and that you're not wanted anywhere.

You may have this underlying level of anxiety on a day to day basis. (And I don't mean feeling nervous, but rather a sense of anxiety that stays with you and doesn't leave you.)

All these are signs that perhaps you could be subconsciously running a low value mindset… and it's not your fault. You probably just picked things along the way a long time ago without realising the LONG TERM dangers of it.

If any of these resonated with you, then I want you to promise yourself - "No More".

You have surely suffered enough. It's time for a change...

...Let me show you another way of thinking...

Imagine waking up tomorrow with no more insecurities, no more anxiety and the feeling of unworthiness...

Imagine what that would mean to you… to really adopt this new way of looking at life….

...A new way of looking at intimacy, at relationships, at men and at love.

What would it mean to you for others to see you and perceive you as a high value woman?

What would that mean to your confidence and self esteem?

And best of all, you won't have to fake it because you would have adopted this high value mindset as your own.

(By the way, we're not talking about "fake it ‘til you make it, we're talking about stepping into a new paradigm and owning that for yourself.)

What would it mean to you to be able to let go of all the old beliefs that have held you back?

Yes, you might not recognise this new version of you!

Because it may not feel like the "same old" you in the beginning.

It's like moving house… it will feel strange at first at your new home. The first few nights sleeping at a new home is always going to feel strange.

But eventually with the passing of a few more days and weeks, your mind and your body become accustomed to the new home.

How you show up today is entirely in your power, so embrace your power now.

How you show up today, tomorrow, and every other day, is entirely within your power. When you show up as a high value woman, you will attract amazing people, incredible energy and unforgettable experiences into your life.

That's how it works.

Finding a deep sense of love and connectedness, attracting high value people into your life, the ability to create deep meaningful conversations, being able to elicit chemistry and emotional attraction, all these will become easy once you adopt these mindsets and allow them to grow in your mind.

So with that being said, I want to help you adopt this new "high value mindset". I want your new psychological home to be this new "high value paradigm".

So if you've read up to this point, then I want to invite you to attend our newest masterclass...

The topic that we're going to address in this masterclass is the most important aspect of showing up as a high value woman… and that is the mindset.

More specifically, I want to walk you through the 7 key mindsets of high value women. The 7 beliefs and truths that you need to also adopt as your own in order to show up as a high value woman in your own life.

Again, this is all brand new. We have never taught this anywhere previously.

Here's a glimpse of what you will learn...

Discover the 7 unspoken beliefs and mindsets that high value women know, feel and believe that low value woman don’t. (...And how these beliefs positively shape every conversation, every interaction and every magical moment you have with men.)
Learn what your greatest value is as a feminine woman to men, and how you can tap into that infinite source of value so that men are glued to you like bees to honey. (The tricky thing here is that your greatest value is not in what you can DO for men, but who you become for them!)
Discover how you can become the most interesting, irresistible and intrinsically valuable woman anywhere you go and have high value men find you, chase you and want to know more about you. (Even if no man wants to speak to you right now.)
Learn how to effortlessly cultivate the esteem, the confidence and knowledge to attract high value men into your life, and to create deep meaningful conversations that lead to chemistry and emotional attraction. (Even if you have been completely crippled with anxiety and fear with men before.)
Discover the paradigm-shifting differences between pursuing value or pursuing worthiness and how one will attract attention, attraction and love your way and the other will repel and repulse the very same men. (Understanding this one distinction will make you question every decision you've ever made.)
Learn how you can naturally grow to become a more valuable and indispensable woman as time goes on and as a result, no man will ever take you for granted ever again. (Imagine having all high value men recognise you as a true "keeper".)
Discover the secret method to end all of your nagging insecure thoughts & negative feelings for good and know with certainty your intrinsic worth. (Even if have never felt remotely deserving of any love!)
Learn how to create value out of thin air in any interaction with men by understanding that value is never about you but rather it’s about the connection and attraction in any given moment. (...and therefore become a woman that men never get bored of!)
Get access to the entire “High Value Mindsets” Masterclass in our secure library portal right after checkout, no delays! (You get ALL the streamable and downloadable videos, the transcripts as well as the exercise sheets!)
...And so much more!

What is the format of this class?

If you're familiar with any of our programs, you'd know that everything is always hosted within our beautifully designed library portal. It's a place where you can visit anytime and anywhere in the world to access ALL of the programs you've invested in.

This program is no different.

"High Value Mindsets" is hosted within our secure library portal in the form of streaming videos. But that's not all.

We've also included the equivalent audio MP3s as well as having meticulously transcribed everything in case you love to read.

In other words, we've provided you this masterclass in every form and medium possible so that you can go through it in your own way.

...And YES, just like with all our other programs, you will have lifetime access!

Lifetime access for 2 payments of $149

Life Time Access for Only $0.81/day 

Let's quickly talk about the value of this masterclass and the investment you would have to make.

What would it mean to you to have a "high value mindset"?

For some people, it means a lot, but for others, it may not. We all have our unique journeys on this planet and we're not all ready at the same time.

But I want you to answer me this…

What is the value to you personally if you could adopt a "high value mindset" and keep it for the rest of your life?

Is it worth a bit of your initial investment of time, energy, focus and money?

Now let me ask you this…

Would you invest just a measly 81 cents per day to have this "high value mindset" for the rest of your life?

Is it worth at least $0.81 to you?

Well, that's exactly how much this masterclass will cost when you spread the enrolment fee over the period of a year.

But obviously the awareness, the knowledge and expansion of your mind would last so much more than just a year.

Now just so you know, there are two components to the investment in order to enrol in this masterclass.

The first component is the monetary investment. This investment is a token from you to the universe as a way of saying… "Yes I am serious about the investment in my future mindset."

But more importantly the second component of your investment is your time and your full presence in this class.

I can't force you to give your time or give your presence. Only you have that power.

And only you will know deep in your gut whether this is the right investment for you in this moment in time.

If your gut tells you that this is definitely something for you, then trust your gut instinct because it has never let you down before.

And as always, all our training, programs, and classes are backed by our full money back guarantee. 

The sheer COST on you over the next 10 years without adopting these new mindsets on men, attraction & love...

Let's take a quick moment to just imagine you've jumped outside of your body right now...

Imagine for a moment, that you could adopt a high value mindset as your own.

How would it feel to have this new "high value mindset"?

How would it impact your personal life?

How would it impact how you feel about yourself on a regular basis?

How would it change other people's interactions with you?

How differently would men treat you when you have this new "high value mindset"?

Now just jump back into your body for a moment.

I want you to be aware of what it's costing you right now to stay stuck in your existing mindset. (...and more importantly, what is it costing the future version of you 10 years from now?)

Think about what you are sacrificing by being stuck in your existing mental paradigm?

Think of everything that you could be missing out on if you don't adopt these "high value mindset" as your own...?

I don't know your answers to these questions, only you do. But if you can see and feel the value of a new "high value mindset" would have on your life, then I invite you to come join me in this masterclass.

What if I don't like it?

Great question. I can totally understand where you’re coming from. (I’ve bought many courses online where the standard has NOT been up to the standard I expected!)

So here’s what I’m going to do for you.

I want you to go through the complete program, study it, critique it and use it.

If for any reason at all, (or no particular reason), you don't feel like this program is everything I have personally promised, just let me know.

We will insist that you keep every cent you invested, because we've never let anyone walk around claiming they’ve wasted their money with us. (…And we're not about to start.)

You simply have to send me or my team a message, either through our Facebook Fan pages, our help desk or any other social media platform. It doesn’t matter how you do it, just get that message to us and we will take care of the rest. (You’ll find those links everywhere.)

You really have nothing to lose.

In fact, let’s make it even better. With your refund, I’ll even send you over a $25 Amazon Gift Card just as my way of saying… “Thanks for giving High Value Mindsets a try!”

How’s that for a “better than money back guarantee”!

This is why we always have a 30 day “Raving Fan” guarantee with all of our products… because we know that you will most likely become a raving fan after 30 days, otherwise we don’t deserve to keep your money.

If you are reading this far, then you know deep in your gut that this is something that would benefit you tremendously.

Renee, myself and our team are always here to support your journey, and at any point, you don’t feel right or you are stuck with something, let us know. We have seen so many hundreds and thousands of women go through similar journeys and we are here to help you every step along the way.

So listen to your gut, we both know how amazing this offer is. Take the offer before it gets lost in the ebb and flow of life.

choose your image

Still not sure?

If you’re at all skeptical about this, we understand. You have every right to be.

We’ve seen the garbage that’s being sold out there on the Internet. – Most of it is pure rubbish (to put it lightly.)

We've been in this game for a long time and will be in this game for a lot longer in case you haven't noticed because we are the real deal.

And of course, go and try it out for yourself risk free. You really have nothing to lose.

Right after your order, you will receive an email with all the login details you need to get started.

If you are reading this far, then you know this is something that would benefit you tremendously.

We are always here to support your journey, and at any point, you don’t feel right or you are stuck with something, let us know. We have seen so many hundreds and thousands of women go through similar journeys and we are here to help you every step along the way.

Send us an email through our help desk… (Don’t be shy, we all love to hear from you.)

You have our personal invite to join us in this powerful program but regardless, we truly wish you all the best in love and in life.

P.S. The real question here is... is it worth $0.81 per day to invest in the most important thing of your life, your mindset? Just serving as a comparison. The last private client I had paid me $5,000 upfront and we spent a total of under 2 hours on the phone.

I don't know about you, but I know a good deal when I see one, and this is a deal you can't miss out on. Let's get started together inside of "High Value Mindsets" right now!

P.P.S. Remember, you will always be protected by our 30 day “Raving Fan” guarantee. which means if you don’t become a raving fan of it, if you don’t absolutely love it, then we insist you have your money back. That’s how we have always done business and it’s not about to change.

Lifetime access for 2 payments of $149

These women trusted the process...

(...and enjoying their successes!)

Renee Wade

Author at The Feminine Woman, Thought Leader on Femininity, Sexual Polarity and Intimate Relationships.

When Renee first founded The Feminine Woman back in 2009, she had only one mission - to help women have a deeper understanding of men, dating & relationships. She realised that by understanding and appreciating certain aspects of men and their masculine energy, it made communicating to men, creating attraction and deep connection with men exponentially easier & smoother.

The biggest inspirations behind her desire to teach the feminine masculine difference was through her own struggles in her personal relationship and the relationship of her closest friends.

After completing law school, Renee made the leap of faith to pursue her passion in teaching relationship and spiritual skills and mindsets and she has not looked back. Her blog The Feminine Woman has attracted over a million visitors and continue to inspire women from around the world.

Renee has authored a large portion of the programs here at Shen Wade Media and will continue to create the latest and most cutting edge content. 

D. Shen

Founder of Commitment Triggers, Author, World Class Coach & Thought Leader on Attraction, Love & Intimate Relationships.

D. Shen is also the founder of where he teaches women how to show up as high value high status, how to inspire a deep sense of emotional commitment from any man and create that healthy, passionate relationship we all crave. 

For the past decade, he took it upon himself to research and figure out the science as well as the art of long term commitment, falling in love, and staying in love. 

D. Shen deeply believes that we all deserve love in this lifetime. He believes that every single one of us has the capacity and the power to create that deep soulmate relationship that we all crave. 

Ultimately he believes that if we can create more relationships that are built upon attraction, passion and love, rather than fear, insecurities and guilt, then the world will become a better and safer place. With stronger relationships come stronger individuals, stronger families and stronger societies and therefore a better future for our next generation. 

Our Wall Of Success

Our members love us and we love our members. Here's a collection of video feedback from our customers... (and YES! We would LOVE to feature you here too and be an inspiration to other women.)

"I really trust you guys and the things you're teach about relationships. They are the only things that really make sense." Jackie J

"I love how you guys truly believe what it is you teach. I am very grateful for everything I've learned so far. I look forward to more in the future!" - Laura 

"I appreciate you and David being so selfless, generous and giving in everything that you do! Thank you." - Rachel B.

"I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your program. It's really wonderful wonderful work!" - Tina

"I found Renee and David's work a few years back and followed their work because it made so much sense to me. Highly recommend it." - Alena S. 

"Renee! When I got onto your work, the whole world came into focus.Thank you for lifting the lid on a whole set of elusive knowledge for me." - Ivy O.

"I believe watching and reading any of Renee & David's blogs and programs will do nothing but add VALUE to your personal self and your relationships." - Andrea R.

"I cannot wait to take more courses with Renee & David because I cannot explain in words HOW MUCH I've learned, not just about love but about myself." - Akanksha A.

"I've spent loads of time looking into the work of different coaches and Renee's work is the ONLY work that really speaks to me." - Shabana W.

"I found your programs to be very helpful not just with my relationships with other people but also my relationship with myself!" - Jennifer W.

"I have followed you guys and have been a fan for almost a decade now and I find value in everything that you share!" - Blessing 

"I really love David & Renee. I love all their advice. I've learned so much about dating and about men, it's been a fabulous experience." - Sherri.

"...That was amazing, very awesome and very moving for me. It was a very healing experience." - Sharen

"I feel bless that I found Renee & David's work that has shaped and influenced my life throughout the years. Thank you so much!" - Anise

"Thank you Renee and David for making such deep and unique programs that help us to be more of a high value woman." - Melissa A

"I loved every single lesson. Already from the next day I started to notice changes. I started to understand men's desires and fears!" - Nadia 

"I just wanted to say I will be purchasing all of your next courses! Keep up the good work you guys are fantastic!!" - Lucia

"I really appreciate the opportunity to learn from this course and I hope you all learn as much as I did!" - Gina L.

"Thank you for all the information you guys are sharing and helping so many women out there like myself." - Virginia B.

"I've recommended this to so many people already. I recommend it to you because I believe it will work for you too." - Kara 

"Do yourself a favor, sign up. You won't be disappointed because I have no doubt you will get so much out of Renee & David's work." - Kathryn P.

"This has been so helpful in connecting me and reconnecting me to my true self, my higher self. So thank you, I am so grateful." - Stacey R.

"The way Renee & David teaches, it's groundbreaking to be honest." - Anna C.

"My biggest insight was that you can really trust your own feelings. Overall I loved this program and will buy more of them!" - Paula.

"I definitely have been benefiting from this, in terms of self love, compassion & connection within myself as well as towards others." - Winnie L

I am extremely impressed with your programs and I love the way you guys teach!" - Gail.

"I have seen many programs and many coaches out there because I've searched a lot. This is by far the BEST!" - Elena

"Thank you so much for your work and all you give. It helped me so much, your blogs and programs. I'm really happy that coaches like you exist!" - Alison

Why You'll Love Our Programs...

Our Secure Library Portal

Our state of the art library portal is the hub of all our programs here at Shen Wade Media. We designed it so that you can access all our best programs in the one single location.

Any Device Anywhere

Whether you're using a smart phone, a tablet or a 27 inch iMac, our programs will work smoothly and look gorgeous on your device. You'll love the experience of going through our programs.

World Class Support

Need help with ordering or getting access? Something not working? Whatever your question or your concern, our world class customer support team is here to take care of you!

Effortless Transformation

All our programs are always designed with you and your journey in mind. Every video, every session and every exercise was created to give you effortless results and transformation.

Life Time Access

Once you invest in our programs, you will always have life time access whenever you need them. On top of that, you will get all the members only upgrades & updates.

Giving Back

A percentage of every dollar we generate goes back to those most in need. We donate to charities that support and help women around the world.

Shen wade media

We believe that every single one of us deserve love. We deserve to experience the feelings of warmth, connectedness and passion. It is our mission to give you the strength, the skills and the wisdom to achieve that for yourself, even if you have just hit rock bottom and lost all faith.


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